Wild Harvest Box
From forest floor to your door...
Reserve monthly boxes of fascinating and delicious native foods. Wild-gathered, wild-stewarded, and grown on our 95 acre botanical sanctuary. Each Wild Harvest Box contains six or more wild-harvested and forest-farmed ingredients, including mushrooms, wild veggies, nuts, berries, Eastern Woodlands crops and herbal teas. Ingredients change with the seasons, and boxes are available from May to November.

What's in a Box?
From gourmet mushrooms and ramps to tea herbs and heirloom native crops, we carefully and sustainably harvest from our fields and forests to bring you the highest quality produce. Each Wild Harvest Box contains ingredients for a few nice dinners, as well as herbs for unique teas and drink creations. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try your hand at preserving too! Instructions and ideas for cleaning and preparing are included for each of the 6+ different foods in your box.

Honoring Northeastern Native People
Wild Hudson Valley specializes in historical land use practices of the Eastern Woodlands peoples, so in addition to harvesting food and herbs in the wild, we grow and save seed from rare indigenous varieties of squash, corn, beans and other crops - all of which are included in our Wild Harvest Boxes! With gratitude to the Lenape/Mohican peoples who call the Hudson Valley home, we donate a portion of the proceeds from every box to the cultural revitalization programs of their contemporary communities in Ontario, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.
Rich in Cultural History
Your Wild Harvest Box is not just a box of freshly-harvested edibles. A Wild Harvest Box is the perfect way to explore the wild foods available in the Hudson Valley, as well as the crops historically cultivated here before colonization. Every plant has a story to tell, and with the information provided in your box, you can learn about the rich languages, culture, and history of Hudson Valley native peoples, as well as contemporary foraging and forest farming practices.

How it Works
Wild Harvest Boxes are typically available April through November. However, 2024 is gearing up to be a record-busy season for us, so we have decided to offer Wild Harvest Boxes only for the spring months (April, May & June).
Boxes can be ordered individually. However, since the boxes contain entirely different ingredients each month, we highly recommend ordering more than one. By reserving all available months, you get the steepest discounts and you will discover and taste the greatest diversity of foods the Hudson Valley has to offer!
Boxes are ordered as one advance payment, following a CSA (community supported agriculture) model where the customer buys shares of a farm’s harvest in advance. This up front payment enables us to better plan for our upcoming season and focus on good land stewardship and growing high quality food.
2024 Pickup location options are:
2024 Pick Up Dates:
April 26
June 17
July 21
Pickup Time Range: 4-7 PM for Cairo and Catskill, and 4-6 PM in Hudson (as Kitty's closes at 6 PM)
Do I have to know how to cook the ingredients?
Nope! Every box comes with a story. Each and every ingredient is described in a number of informational sheets: a summary of the species of plant in its natural habitat, its cultural history, sample recipes and more!
Can I choose the ingredients of my Box?
Harvesting with the ever-changing seasons means that we can’t ever be certain of what nature has to offer. So, each month’s delivery is a surprise, and we cannot guarantee certain foods. We are experienced in sustainable harvest techniques, and we never, ever harvest at-risk plants unless they have been stewarded or grown on our own farm. We are at nature’s whim - and it’s all part of the fun!
Is the produce organic?
Our produce is not officially certified organic, because the vast majority of our foods are wild-harvested (and can't be certified through a traditional certification process). However, we only forage from our sanctuary and from other properties that are managed organically, and our forest farming methods go above and beyond organic certification requirements. Come to one of our walks or workshops to see for yourself!